Ma. Eloisa ‘Louie’ Zepeda-Teng
TB Survivor Advocate and Founder; TBPeople Philippines Organization Inc.
Louie Teng is a Survivor Advocate for the Department of Health’s #TBFreePH campaign and Founder of TBPeople Philippines Organization.
Louie began her dedication to Tuberculosis (TB) awareness in 2007 when she lost her vision to a rare form of TB. Louie now works for the Institute on Disability and Public Policy for the ASEAN Region and is married and a mother. Throughout her years of advocacy, she has worked with the Global Fund’s Country Coordinating Mechanism in workshops on key affected populations, been selected as a regional Global Coalition for Tuberculosis Activists representative, spoken at several International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease conferences and presented the case for funding TB treatment to Australian parliamentarians. In January 2020, TBpeople Global offered Louie a seed grant to register CKAT as TBpeople Philippines.